about us

The Singlehurst Weldon Charitable Trust was established in June 2015 through the wishes of the late John Singlehurst, just before his passing in the August of that year.

John, an avid cricketer and lifelong Weldonian had, through his personal company, owned the cricket field and wanted to preserve the ground & facility for the benefit of future cricketing activities in the village.

The ownership of the ground was transferred to the Charitable Trust and a 125 year lease at a peppercorn rent was granted in favour of the Cricket Club so that it had security of tenure and John’s lasting wish could be realised.

The Charitable Trust has a governing body of 6 trustees who meet on 2 or 3 occasions per annum and administer its business in accordance with the governing deed. The Charitable Trust is registered with the Charity Commission and its registered number is 1164138.

The objects of the Charitable Trust are to apply funds for the benefit of the residents of the parish of Weldon to provide outdoor & indoor recreational facilities for both sport & play for the benefit of all ages.

The trustees have held fundraising events such as a sponsored cycle ride around Rutland Water; a Cheese & Wine tasting evening; an evening of musical entertainment and a historical talk ‘Bygone Weldon’.

Financial grants from funds generated by these events have already been made to Weldon Amateur Theatrical Society; Weldon Cricket Club & Weldon Primary School.

The trustees are always willing to consider applications from other organisations that are in accordance with the objects referred to in a preceding paragraph. There is no specific application form that needs to be completed and enquiries should be made (in writing) in the first instance to:

The Singlehurst Weldon Charitable Trust

Weldon Manor
15 Oundle Road
NN17 3JS